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Setup Powerfulseal

Table of contents

  1. Running on Kubernetes
  2. Running outside of the cluster
  3. Kubectl
    1. kubectl action permissions
  4. Exec-ing into a running pod
  5. Cloud drivers
  6. Minikube
  7. Kubectl

PowerfulSeal has two main modes of operation: through Kubernetes or through SSH.

Kubernetes mode is the default, and it’s easier to use. It kills pods by deleting them through the API.

SSH works by SSH-ing into the machine itself and executing command like docker kill <pod ip>. The pods then show as crashing. Unfortunately, it requires SSH access to all machines you’re going to be doing chaos on, which is sometimes troublesome.

Running on Kubernetes

Running on Kubernetes is easy. You can do that by:

  • creating RBAC rules to allow the seal to list, get and delete pods and nodes,
    • you might need to adjust it depending on what you are planning to do with the Seal
  • creating a configmap and deployment
    • your scenarios will live in the configmap
    • if you’d like to use the UI, you’ll probably also need a service and ingress

That’s it. The Seal will self-discover the way to connect to Kubernetes and start executing your policy

Running outside of the cluster

If you’re running outside of your cluster, the setup will involve:

  • pointing PowerfulSeal at your Kubernetes cluster by giving it a Kubernetes config file
  • pointing PowerfulSeal at your cloud by specifying the cloud driver to use and providing credentials
  • making sure the Seal can SSH into the nodes in order to execute docker kill command
  • writing a set of policies

It should look something like this.


The powerfulseal image packages a kubectl binary to execute the kubectl actions with. When executing the commands, the http{s}_proxy variables are overwritten by the contents of the proxy parameter from inside of the scenario.

If you exec into the pod, you can kubectl directly, using the same RBAC permissions.

For example, in the ./kubernetes contains RBAC which allows the seal to:

  • read from all namespaces
  • delete pods in all namespaces
  • do everything inside of the special powerfulseal-sandbox namespace
    • all creation of new pods will need to happen inside of that namespace

kubectl action permissions

Remember, that in order to be able to execute the kubectl action payloads, you’re going to need to give you pod necessary permissions.

Exec-ing into a running pod

If you have a running powerfulseal pod executing scenario, you can always kubectl exec -ti ps-pod -- bash and then run powerfulseal interactive from inside of it.

Cloud drivers

In order to interact with VMs, you’re going to need to configure a cloud driver. Learn more


It’s easy to use minikube with the Seal. It should run well on the default settings. If you choose to use SSH access, you’re going to need these options:

--ssh-allow-missing-host-keys \
--remote-user docker \
--ssh-path-to-private-key `minikube ssh-key` \
--ssh-password `minikube ssh-password` \
--override-ssh-host `minikube ip` \


In order to use kubectl action, you’re going to need kubectl accessible in your path. The official images ship with the latest minor version of kubectl inside of the container.

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