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Cloud Provider Requirements

Table of contents

  1. Azure
  2. AWS
  3. OpenStack
  4. GCP


The credentials to connect to Azure may be specified in one of two ways:

  1. Supply the full path to an Azure credentials file in the environment variable AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION.
    This is the easiest method. The credentials file can be generated via az aks get-credentials -n <cluster name> -g <resource group> -a -f <destination credentials file>
  2. Supply the individual credentials in the environment variables: AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET, AZURE_TENANT_ID


The credentials to connect to AWS are specified the same as for the AWS CLI


The easiest way to use PowerfulSeal, is to download and source the OpenRC file you can get from Horizon. It should ask you for your password, and it should set all the OS_* variables for you. Alternatively, you can set them yourself.

Both approaches are detailed in the official documentation.


Google Cloud SDK and kubectl are required

The GCP cloud driver supports managed (GKE) and custom Kubernetes clusters running on top of Google Cloud Compute.

For setting up PowerfulSeal, the first step is configuring gcloud SDK (as PowerfulSeal will work with your configured project and region) and pointing kubectl to your cluster. Both can be configured easily following this tutorial (For GKE!). In case you don’t want to use the default project/region of gcloud SDK, you can point PowerfulSeal to the correct one (in json) with --gcp-config-file argument.

For being able to run node related commands, credentials have to be specified in one of these ways:

  1. Service account (Recommended): a Google account that is associated with your GCP project, as opposed to a specific user. PowerfulSeal uses the environment variable and is pretty straightforward to set up using this tutorial.
  2. User account: Not recommended as you can reach easily reach a “quota exceeded” or “API not enabled” error. PowerfulSeal uses auto-discovery and to get it working just follow this.

Having configuration ready and ssh connection to the node instances working, you can start playing with PowerfulSeal with this example: powerfulseal interactive --gcp --ssh-allow-missing-host-keys --ssh-path-to-private-key ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine --remote-user myuser

Note: In case of running inside Pyenv and getting python2 command not found error when running gcloud (and you want to run PowerfulSeal with Python 3+), this might be useful, as gcloud requires Python2.

Note: With GCP, running gcloud compute config-ssh makes SSHing to node instances easier by adding an alias for each instance to the user SSH configuration (~/.ssh/config) file and then being able to use the generated file with --ssh-path-to-private-key argument.

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