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  1. Testing
    1. Installation
    2. Usage
  2. Docs


PowerfulSeal uses tox to test multiple Python versions in a straightforward manner.


In order to use tox, tox must be installed and Python binaries for the versions listed in tox.ini must be visible in your PATH.

Due to the difficulty in maintaining the required libraries for so many Python versions, it is recommended to use pyenv to install and manage multiple versions of Python.

The recommended installation steps are:

  1. Install pyenv using the Basic GitHub Checkout method
  2. Run pyenv install --list
  3. For every version specified in tox.ini, find the latest patch version corresponding to the version (e.g., 3.7 -> 3.7.5) and run pyenv install [version]
  4. In this project’s root directory, run pyenv local [versions], where [versions] is a space-separated list of every version you just installed (e.g., pyenv local 3.7.0)
  5. Run pyenv which 3.7, etc. and ensure there are no errors and the output path is a .pyenv directory


With the installation complete, simply run tox (or the analagous make test). If you are running on a machine with inotifywait installed (i.e., a UNIX machine), you can run make watch and run tests automatically when you run changes.

You can also run tests for specific versions by running tox -e [version(s)] (e.g., tox -e py36). Additionally, if you need to reinstall dependencies, you can use the -r flag.


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